Wellfield Emergency Generators
This $20 million project is located in Moorpark, north of Los Angeles in Ventura County. The work is located at Wellfield No. 1 (5700 Grimes Canyon Road), Wellfield No. 2 (6811 Grimes Canyon Road), and a portion of Grimes Canyon Road adjacent to and between both wellfields. This mostly electrical project also includes the construction of a 136’L x 66’W x 27’H concrete masonry block building with 35’H penthouse over one third of the building. The new structure will house five 2MW diesel-backup generators and associated switchgear, electrical equipment, instrumentation, and controls. Additionally, the project scope includes installation of four 20,000 gallon diesel storage tanks in a recessed fuel storage area; extensive modifications to existing electrical conduits and conductors and installation of new conduits, conductors, and sectionalizers; a Southern California Edison (SCE) equipment yard (switchyard) for new electrical services to wellfields; and grading, drainage, paving, and water system improvements. CLIENT: Calleguas Municipal Water District