Roybal project is super active right now! We are wrapping up the punch list on the 12th floor to turn over the floor to the owner/US District Court and at the same time we are working on getting the 14th floor turned over to the owner/Pretrial Services by mid-June. On the 14th floor the upcoming activities are all the finishes, including flooring, demountable partitions, and ceiling grid and tiles. We are finishing up ceramic tiles in the 2 bathrooms that we have on the project. We will also be installing the operable partition that we have for the learning center on the floor. Once 14th floor is finished, phase 1 of the project will be complete.
The owner finalized their decision on the cabling company for the project, so we started working with them about a month ago to get the data closets from phase 0 finalized as well as installing the cabling throughout the 12th and 14th floors.
In addition, phase 2 of the project is well underway. We are finishing up demolition activities on the 10th floor and then moving into framing/drywall. The 7th level courtroom is being converted into a Jury Assembly and is right in the midst of demolition activities. The scope of work for the 7th level is minor, changing the finishes is our goal. Terrace level is also in phase 2, but cannot begin until 12th floor is finished, and occupied, as people are moving from Terrace level to the completed 12th floor.