

Marine Corps Air Station

Yuma, AZ

This project repaired sections of the existing 12.47kV high voltage underground distribution and created a loop feed system at the Cannon Air Defense Center in Yuma, Arizona. The base owned utility upgrade was constructed to provide a reliable, expandable and flexible system that will be in good working order for many years to come. Due to the nature of the area’s operation, switchovers and power outages were completed after hours and weekends to reduce the impact to the utility grid users during the project’s construction. This project was closely coordinated with APS (Arizona Public Service), the supplier of power to the Air Defense Center. The construction was completed in three independent phases to include the installation of 10,000 feet of four inch conduit and 15kV conductor, which was installed to create a loop feed system. This loop feed installation phase, once installed, provided the ability to isolate sections of cable to replace the remaining 30,000 feet of 15kV conductors. The underground infrastructure consisted of conduits, manholes, and three and four way switches. Where existing asphalt or concrete surfaces were encountered, the new underground conduit was installed using directional boring at no additional cost. This preserved the integrity and appearance of the existing roads, parking lots and sidewalks at the Cannon Air Defense Center.


“This contractor did an outstanding job and I will recommend them for future contracts.”

Mr. Toribio Rabago, Construction Manager / Electrical Engineer, ROICC, Yuma SWDIV