

Yuma Marine Corps Air Base’s Airfield

Yuma, AZ

The project consisted of the construction of six (6) drainage basins located on the infields adjacent to the Yuma Marine Corps Air Base’s Airfield between Runway 17/35 and the Taxiway. The airfield lacked a drainage system which consistently caused the development of stagnant water and water runoff. This situation created numerous pollution issues over the years, most notably, standing water on the runway and taxiway. Each of the basins constructed varied in size measuring 1900’ x 35’; 700’ x 30’; 650’ x 20’; 825’ x 30’; 1025’ x 25’; and 1200’ x 45’. All basins were excavated to -5’ in depth creating a total of 55,000 cubic yards of excess material. The excess material was hauled offsite by truck and stockpiled in a remote location within the Air Base. The Project Team installed a Sand Base Percolating System filling the bottom of each basin with 1’ of sand. Final installation included the application of a dust palliative to the slopes of the basins to mitigate dust pollution. In strict compliance with the RFP, the Project Team performed all work at night to avoid any disruption to airfield traffic. Temporary lighting was provided to the excavation and stockpile sites to complete the night work without hindrance to the schedule. In addition, an onsite weathering station was decommissioned and removed. Due to the location of the Base’s two (2) survey monuments, the Project Team had to relocate them and perform the follow up testing of the system.