Federal Building
Los Angeles, CA
Two projects totaling $100 Million 2008-2014
This design-build project called for Comprehensive Seismic and Life Safety Renovations for the basement and floors 1–8 of the Federal Building in downtown Los Angeles, California. The project included upgrading of life safety systems, seismic strengthening, and modernization. This very challenging project called for occupants to remain in the building as work was phased and completed. The Project Team worked very closely with the client to minimize impact from construction activities for this 1.2 million square foot construction project in this fully operational, occupied space.
The Federal Building functions as an administrative office for several federal agencies including the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Marshals Service, and the (former) Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). All Stronghold employees and subcontractors were required to pass and comply monthly with the highest of security requirements, due to the high security elements of the facility.
The scope of work included demolition, including asbestos abatement, and then the replacement of existing carpet, lighting, and electrical. While demolishing was occurring, the original marble columns had to be stored and then reinstalled. Additional electrical scope of work included branch‐circuit panel boards, low voltage circuit breakers, and HVAC renovations. Stronghold then added interior finishes to complete the renovation including an acoustical soffit suspension system, carpentry and casework, new tile, painting, and stonework. Exterior finishes included exterior wall louvers and vents, blast‐resistant window film, and exterior glazed aluminum assemblies.
Additional funds were allocated to the project from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) after construction had begun. The ARRA funds were allocated to capture additional energy efficiencies within the Federal Building. With this additional funding, Stronghold provided smart value engineering techniques and strategies to enhance existing systems and add additional energy saving and efficiency measures with a goal to achieve a 20% energy‐use reduction.
$100 Million
March 2008
January 2014
Project Type
General Construction
Square Footage
1.2 million sq ft
2008 ABC Excellence in Construction Award

“From the get-go, you and your team have partnered with us on this technically and logistically challenging program and carried out construction in a fully-occupied and one of the largest hazardous abatement and life safety renovation projects in Southern California.”