Riverside, CA
Stronghold has provided quality construction electrical services to the University of California Riverside since 1998, most recently, Stronghold worked on three large electrical projects for the University of California Riverside (UCR). At UCR’s Geology & Physics Renovation Project, the project was a $3.6M electrical renovation project that called for replacing an existing high voltage SF6 switch and changing out the main switchgear. Both Geology and Physics were completely retrofitted with Iso Duct type wiremold in the labs, new conduit, light fixtures, circuitry, and sub-panels throughout both buildings.
The project included providing temporary power; progressive cleanup; fire alarm devices; switchgear; lighting; generator and ATS; feeder cable; wiring devices; conduit / fittings / branch material; site underground installation; generator and ATS installation. In the physics building there was demolition; wall rough-in; ceiling rough-in; electric gear build-out; branch wiring; fixtures and trim; telephone / data; fire alarm system and in the Geology basement: switchgear; feeder conduit; other areas same as Physics.