Camp Pendleton, Ca
This project included the design and construction of 62,600 linear feet of overhead pole line. The pole line was constructed to convert the existing 43 Area from the outdated 4kV system to a new, code compliant 12kV System and to construct a new tie line to connect to the 53 Area. This project was performed with the intention to improve the operations, cost effectiveness, energy efficiency, system reliability and safety of the 43 Area power distribution system and was part of a larger strategic plan being implemented by Camp Pendleton to improve the effectiveness and redundancy of their existing distribution systems. Of the 62,200 feet of new overhead pole line installed by Stronghold Engineering, Inc. and our subcontractor, 50,440 linear feet was existing and served the entire 43 Area operations and had to be systematically replaced with little to no impact to the end user.
The project included the removal, replacement and installation of poles, anchors, guy assemblies, transformers, substations, and electrical high voltage switchgear. All was constructed with minimal impact to the environment and base operations. This project’s design and construction was closely coordinated with the local utility provider, San Diego Gas and Electric. Due to the critical nature of the project, a hot work permit and plan was developed by Stronghold Engineering to reduce the number of outages required to complete the project. Because of this planning, the anticipated 100 power outages were reduced to less than 40. This allowed the critical operations in the 43 Area to operate smoothly throughout construction.
During the course of construction, Stronghold Engineering went over and above to provide an outstanding project for the Navy and Marines aboard Camp Pendleton. Additionally a Star Award was presented to Stronghold Engineering on this project for a successful safety plan and execution. There were over 36,000 field performed man hours worked without a recordable safety incident.
$5 Million
May 2010
December 2010
Project Type
Square Footage
62,600 linear ft

“Adequacy and implementation of the Safety Plan has been oustanding. The contractor has done a great job following the safety plan and wokring safely.”