Various EMWD Locations

Status: Completed

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 – Eastern Municipal Water District on Wednesday celebrated the completion of five solar power generation systems. Stronghold Engineering, Inc. was EMWD’s selected design-build contractor on four of the five projects – at the Perris, Moreno Valley, Sun City, and San Jacinto facilities.

The five systems will each produce 1 megawatt (MW) of power to be used at the respective facilities and surrounding supporting infrastructure. The systems were constructed at regional water reclamation facilities to provide energy and power for the reclamation process.

Using a conservative four-percent annual rate increase estimate from Southern California Edison, there is an anticipated 12-year return on investment and a projected 20-year savings of $37.7 million in energy costs. EMWD also anticipates receiving $6.1 million in incentives from the Solar Initiative based on kilowatt hours produced in the first five years of the systems’ power production.

Stronghold Engineering, Inc. partnered with SolarWorld, the largest U.S. crystalline-silicon solar manufacturer for more than 40 years, to supply 4 MW of panels for this project. The four 1 MW systems are composed of 72-cell SolarWorld solar panels mounted on NEXTracker single-axis trackers. The systems will enable the facilities to offset peak power demand. Also involved, was Parson Corporation, who supported the agency’s field engineering division on the multiple sites of solar renewable energy projects.

The dedication for the last of the five solar power generation systems was well attended by firm’s involved as well as the public. The event included an overview of the project and the cost savings to EMWD and their customers. Team members from Stronghold Engineering Inc., Parson, Southern California Edison, and EMWD were present. After the presentation, all attendees were invited to take a tour of the solar systems.