Los Angeles, Ca
After 9/11, our country examined airport security measure and found them to be inefficient. At Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), one area was the old chain link fencing that was rusted, dented, and in ill repair. Stronghold Engineering, Inc. partnered with Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) to construct and renovate fencing along Imperial Highway as well as Aviation and Century Boulevards at LAX. This project addressed Phase 4 of the initiative to enhance the security of the Airfield Operations Area (AOA) by replacing the fence or by providing additional proactive security measures similar to those that were already in place along all other portions of the AOA fencing at LAX.
This portion of the LAX perimeter is approximately nine miles in length; of which five miles were primarily the dilapidated chain link fencing with various base and barbed wire configurations. Stronghold constructed a heavy-duty chain link fence with concrete foundation and an average height of eight feet. The enhanced fence was made of 1” vinyl-coated mesh with six barbed wire V strands on top of the fence. At a minimum, each fence was constructed to have five feet clearance on the airside of the fence and 10 feet clearance on the public side. Stronghold constructed heavy-duty crash gates after demolition and removal of the previous gates. This project also entailed replacing outdated access gates, removing inactive gates, and doing other upgrades or modifications, as needed.
While this project was in progress, the Space Shuttle Endeavour flew into LAX before relocation to its new home at the California Science Center in Los Angeles, California. The route it would take to get to its home needed to be prepared in order to accommodate the size of the shuttle. Stronghold was proud to be a part of this preparation and historic event as well as help in the security of the LAX Airport.